
How do I get from Suvarnabhumi Airport to BKK City?

There are several ways to get from Suvarnabhumi Airport to BKK city:

1. ARL City Line: Cost around 45Bhat, depending on where you get off and takes around 30 min to Paya Thai

2. ARL AIRPORT EXPRESS: Express train to Paya Thai takes around 17min and 150 Bhat. Quick and cheap way to get to the city

3. Taxis: The taxi industry is pretty much regulated and you need to walk up to the taxi dispatcher counter on the first floor. The attendant will hand you a slip with which should be kept with you in case of dispute on unexpected circumstances. Confirm with the taxi driver for the direction and destination. The meter starts at 35Bhat and the average fare to the city is around 400Bhat.

4. Rent a car: Easy solution if you like driving in chaos. The roads to the city are pretty good but there is lots of traffic once you get into the city. Make sure the hotel you are staying in has free parking. Average car rental with Eurocar or Avis (for the midsize car) is around the US $35 day. Advance bookings online can give you better deals.

5. Private rental (limousine service): You can rent limousine or luxury car for transfer to the city. The cost is around 3000-6000 bhat. Normal airport transfer organized by the hotel is around 1200bhat. Make sure you make arrangements beforehand. 

 Can I catch a bus to Pattaya from Suvarnabhumi Airport?

Bus Number 389 - Suvarnabhumi Airport - Pattaya 
Bus Number 390 - Suvarnabhumi Airport - Aranyaphratet (Talad Rong Kluea) 
leaves at 07:00, 09:10, 11:10, 13:10 and 17:10 daily from the Airport Transportation Center. Cost is 184 baht.
Bus Number 825 - Suvarnabhumi Airport - Nong Khai